Your Guide to Finishing the Summer on a High Note
Summer’s end is quickly approaching, at least that’s what major retailers are telling us with fall decorations making a swift appearance. For many, -the end of summer means “getting back into the groove”; -reestablishing dinner and bedtime routines, preparing for classes, getting ready for the hustle & bustle of the upcoming holidays or whatever else is on the calendar for the final stretch of the year.
Staying sane in an everchanging, always connected, quickly moving world can be a challenge to say the very least. Throw some back pain or an unexpected diagnosis on top of the day-to-day stressors and you’ve got a recipe for chaos. Many patients turn to medical cannabis seeking relief not only for physical pain, but for stress relief and a way to decompress. Research conducted by the American Psychology Association reported:
“These studies have found that the patients, who used cannabis to treat a range of medical problems including anxiety, had largely improved cognitive performance, reduced clinical symptoms and anxiety-related symptoms as well as a reduced use of conventional medication…”
We are fortunate to see a time where medical cannabis is becoming more widely accepted and readily available, but with all of these new products on the market how do you know what will work best for you?
The short answer is you just have to try it. The complicated answer is everyone’s endocannabinoid system is so different it’s hard to tell what will work from one patient to the next. On the plus side to that, when you visit our dispensaries, you can trust that you’re in the best hands of experts who have taken the time to learn about and try the products. We can help guide you in a direction that may be beneficial to your wellness journey.
Here\’s a quick guide of what to look for at your next visit:
Strain Specific Edibles (Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid)
Strain specific edibles may help target the specific effects you’re looking for in an edible for example, a lot of indica edibles also contain melatonin on top of their indica properties.

Cosmic Seed Gummies by Illicit
Ratio edibles (1:1, 1:1:1, 10:1)
Ratio edibles are another great way to target specific effects. Ratio edibles go further than just THC by also adding cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBN.

Topicals (Salve, Lotion, Balm)
Whether you’re looking to replace your Bengay or spice up your skincare routine, topicals are a wonderful way to experience the healing properties of cannabis without the psychoactive effects.

Pre-Roll Packs
Pre-Roll packs typically contain 2-10 pre-rolls depending on the brand. They make for a quick and even more convenient way to medicate especially in a time crunch while also allowing you to enjoy the taste and smell of cannabis. Pre-rolls are also an affordable option to try several different strains as you’re exploring what works best for you.

As the MMJ program continues to mature in Missouri we are bound to see a greater variety of products and ways to medicate. Our Wellness Specialists are always up to date with the latest and greatest that’s hitting our shelves. So yes, Summer may be coming to a close, and that calendar may be filling up, but we are here to help elevate your wellness journey as we take on the last half of this year!
Medical decisions should not be made based on advertising. Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products.