Inner Circle LOGO Update_v2

Join Our Inner Circle

Missouri's Most Comprehensive Loyalty Program

MHW’s Inner Circle offers a base loyalty program for all members and personalized offers based on when you visit, your favorite products and brands, and more.

Our communications program sends texts and emails that are personalized to you and contain offers and content centered around your preferences.

  • Inner Circle Members can take the next step and upgrade their membership by becoming an MHW VIP or StashBox member.
  • Double loyalty points per dollar spent
  • Skip the lines & priority treatment
  • VIP Exclusive content and deals/offers
  • VIP status and all perks included, along with a monthly assortment of product totaling over $200 in value each month for just $99/mo!
  • A new assortment of Flower, Pre-Rolls, Edibles, and more curated from the widest selection of the best products in the state of Missouri every month
  • Click to Subscribe!
Friends Bowling
  • Every dollar Spent = 1 point
  • 200 Points = $5 off
  • 400 Points = $10 Off
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